Aarogya clinic multi speciality centre
One of the largest private homeopathy medical clinic in Vellore district
By Aarogya Clinic | October 25, 2018
Uterine Fibroids are the most common non cancerous tumors in women of child bearing age. These uterine fibroids are also called Uterine Leiomyomas or even myomas. Contrary to common fears, they do not normally convert into cancer. Uterine fibroids may be single in number or multiple. Most of the women don’t come to know that they have uterine fibroids because they may not have any visible symptoms. They are discovered only during a routine check up.
Uterine fibroids are benign smooth muscle tumors present in the uterus. These are made up of muscle cells of the uterus. The size of fibroids varies a lot. They may be as small as a seedling. In some cases they may become quite large, so much so that take up almost a complete wall of the uterus. In extreme cases large uterine fibroids have been known to push the uterus up till the rib cage. Usually large fibroids push against the urinary bladder.
The exact cause of uterine fibroids is unknown. What is known is that the fibroids develop when the cells in the muscles of the uterus begin to overgrow. The growth of the uterine fibroid is influenced by the presence of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. The level of these hormones is the highest during the child bearing age. Therefore the incidence of uterine fibroids is more during this time. Once menopause occurs, the levels of estrogen and progesterone decline and therefore the fibroids start shrinking on their own. In some cases, the fibroids disappear completely after menopause.
Most of the uterine fibroids, particularly the smaller ones are asymptomatic. This means that there are not too many symptoms. One cannot often diagnose or point towards presence of fibroids from clinical observation. More often than not, small fibroids are found accidentally during routine ultrasounds. In cases where there are symptoms, the development of symptoms varies from patient to patient. In some patients, the symptoms are very slow to develop. It takes years to develop the symptoms. In some other cases, the symptoms develop very fast in just a couple of months.
The traditional or allopathic treatment of uterine fibroids is not very effective.Usually some medicines are given that interfere with normal hormonal secretion. These medicines have side effects as they disturb the hormonal balance of a female. The common advice of gynaecologists is to go in for surgery. This is more so if the female is not thinking of having children any more . A complete hysterectomy is often advised. This means that the uterus is completely removed. This causes immediate cessation of menses.Artificial and sudden onset of menopause often leads to complications.
by Yuvarajan N | June 03, 2018
Generally the main symptom that are associated with the Gall Stones is Gall Colic or Biliary Colic or severe steady pain. This if experienced by a patient carrying the stones can last anywhere between 30 minutes to 5 hours on each occasion. Even after the colic subsides there is a soreness that remains in the upper abdomen or epigastrium (Right Upper Quadrant) for upto 24 hours or more.
Besides this acute phase of the disease which causes intolerable pain/colic occasionally or even frequently the other symptoms that may also occur include - nausea,indigestion,loss of appetite, acidity, abdominal wind/gas/flatulence, etc. Though all of these may not be directly linked to the Gall Stone clinical observations have shown a very high concurrence of these symptoms with Gall Stone patients.
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